How to choose a handbag for women?

04 Apr.,2024


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Handbags – I think they were my first fashion love (and gosh if I had any design skill, I’d love to be a handbag designer). Before shoes, for me, it was a handbag obsession which started in my university years.

I have quite a collection of handbags and love to change up my bags with different outfits. And I’ve had some hits and misses over the years as I’ve purchased different bags. So I thought I’d share with you some of my tips on what makes a great handbag that is both practical and beautiful.

1. Make Sure it’s Comfortable to Carry

Yes, a handbag, just like your clothing has to have a comfort level that you’re happy with. Many years ago Gucci had a massive sale in Melbourne (they’d never do it now as it “dilutes” the brand) and I picked up a handbag. The thing I noticed was just how comfortably it sat on my shoulder without sliding off, and fit under my arm. I remember thinking “no wonder people normally pay so much for this kind of good design”.

So try on a handbag, and notice does it push your arm out in an uncomfortable way? Does it slide off your shoulder too easily? Do you have to carry it by the handles which is not your style?

We can love the look of a handbag, but if it doesn’t have the right kind of comfort for carrying around (and you will be carrying it around a lot and sometimes for long periods), then you’ll start to resent it pretty quickly.

2. Make Sure it’s Not Too Heavy

I love leather bags as if they get scratched (which they will) they can be improved, unlike all the faux leather handbags. This means my investment will last much longer as just like a good pair of leather shoes, I can polish my leather handbag. That said, sometimes some leather handbags can be very heavy when they are empty, which means as soon as I tip my kitchen sink into the bag, I’ll be carrying 45kg of weight on my shoulder. Not good for my back (or mood).

So test out the bag and notice just how heavy it is. Sometimes that extra metal detail can also weigh down a bag – it looks great but it’s impractically heavy.

3. The Right Pockets for You

Is it just an empty void inside or does it have some pockets? If it has pockets, what kind and how many?

What you like will be personal to you. I’ve discovered for me I don’t like a central divider pocket, but I do like a pocket I can pop a pen or two, a glasses cleaning cloth and some other small pieces. I like a pocket I can store my phone in, and I really like a pocket on the outside that zips up that I can pop my car keys in. This Zohara bag is perfect – it has pockets both inside and on the outside of the bag, front and back!

In a smaller clutch or evening bag, I love lots of card pockets, as I don’t want to cart around my regular wallet, but it’s good to be able to take along a credit card and a few other bits and pieces (like my drivers licence in the olden days when I was “carded” as I looked too young to buy a glass of wine!). My Bellorita fish clutch featured in this post has lots of lovely spots for cards and a nice zip up section too.

I do like a zip pocket too in an evening purse – as that’s where I”m likely to want to put some money as well.

Plus there must be enough space for lipstick, reading glasses, phone and keys as well. Nothing worse than an evening purse that you can’t fit your essentials inside.

4. Zip it Up

I like a handbag that can be fully zipped or closed up so that if I’m travelling and it falls over, nothing falls out. Particularly with totes and larger bags, having a zip closure is something that makes a difference for those times when you need to be able to properly close your bags to keep your contents safe.

This bag from Zoharais in a fabulous teal (a favourite and very versatile colour) and made from good quality leather. I bought it on my recent trip to the UK and have discovered that it’s a brand from Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coast (which I also visited while I was there) and I do to collect a little something local on my travels.

5. Make it Beautiful

And then there is the design. I’ve got to love it aesthetically as well. I’m a believer in form plus function – not one over the other.

Colour is one way – and so I have a collection of bags in different colours.

A handbag can be fairly plain in design if it’s in a fabulous colour – colour is the hero.

But if you’re going for a black handbag, then it needs to have some extra design details to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Black and plain = dull and boring and not stylish.

Design details (like on this bag gifted to me from Bellorita) make a potentially boring black clutch a work of art and conversation starter instead. If your outfit is basic, make your bag the hero.

6. Make it Versatile

There may be bags for specific purposes (such as an evening bag), but for your everyday bag, if you tend to be someone who has just one bag that you wear with everything – to everywhere – every day – it needs to be versatile in its design.

  1. It needs to be dressy enough to relate to your work attire.
  2. It needs to be soft enough to relate to your casual outfits.
  3. It needs to go with your colour palette – so that it doesn’t clash with your outfit.

How to choose a bag that goes with all your outfits? Start with the colour being a reflection of your hair colour. This is a signature colour you never take off. You’re always wearing your hair, which is why hair colour is such a great colour for handbags, shoes, coats and belts – as these are the elements of outfits that “go over” lots of other garments.

Alternatively, my second choice is to reflect your eye colour – another signature colour – as again, unless you have a range of glass eyes in different colours, that part of you doesn’t change from day-to-day.

More Tips on Choosing Handbags

Linking up withVisible Monday,Style with a Smile,Not Dressed as Lamb, Ageless Style

With countless bags out there, in every shape and style imaginable, you might be asking yourself: How do I choose a Handbag? Here is a useful short guide to help you find the perfect bag. 

1. Choose a Handbag for Everyday Use That’s Comfortable

In a previous article, we created a guideline that helps you choose a suitable handbag for your body type. Trying on handbags before you take the plunge also helps you feel the way it sits on your arm, notice if it stays on your shoulder naturally and decide if you’ll need to carry it by the handles. Every bag, like every person, is shaped differently so it may take some searching to find a handbag soulmate. But believe us, it’s worth the effort!

2. Pick a Color You Love When Choosing a Handbag

A handbag for everyday use can come in any color under the sun. On one side of the rainbow, there are more neutral bags in muted shades like black and white, or untreated raw material like hemp or leather. On the far other side of the spectrum there are neon bags, animal print bags, color-blocked bags, and bags with bold, bright colors. Make sure that when choosing a handbag, you pick a color that fits into your wardrobe, whether it be a minimalist one, a flamboyant one, or something in-between.

3. Find The Perfect Bag for Your Daily Routine

Everyone knows that a handbag is much more than just a fashion accessory, it’s a much-needed companion. When deciding how to choose a handbag for daily use, you need to think about what your average day looks like. 

Do you work a 9-5? Pick a bag with interior pockets that can help you organize everything you need for your commute, time spent at work, and a lipstick for that happy hour drink. 

Or maybe you are a freelance writer who needs a slim, minimalist bag perfect for throwing your wallet and keys over your shoulder and heading out the door when you are on assignment. 

The structure and interior of a bag is at the heart of its utility, make sure you pick something that works for you!

4. Budget with An Eye on Long Term Costs 

A quality handbag should be seen as an investment. Much like the perfect pair of heels, a handbag for everyday use is something you will find yourself wearing for decades. So, when looking at the price tag on handbags, think long term. 

Sure, a forty-dollar bag made out of cheap materials might sound appealing, but, when you consider the fact that cheap bags have to be replaced every few months, whereas high quality bags easily last three to five years, it isn’t such a good deal. If you think long term, a well-made bag is usually the cheaper option. Plus, it is so much better for the environment to find the perfect bag instead of compromising with cheap throw-away bags.

5. Pick a Material That Matches Your Style & Your Politics!

When choosing a handbag for everyday use, you’ll want to consider what kind of bag you want. Are you looking for a lightweight cotton canvas bag? A cottage-core statement bag made of straw or wicker? A sport mesh bag? Or, maybe, you want an ethical and reliable bag made of vegan leather! Vegan leather, made from recycled plastics or natural materials sourced like pineapple or mushroom. Brands with ethical mission statements, like Hozen, are a great place to find an array of cute styles all sourced sustainably. Any quest to find the perfect bag entails picking the perfect material. 

6. Choosing A Handbag

When trying to decide how to choose a handbag for everyday use, remember, finding the perfect bag means taking a look at your life, your routines, and your wardrobe and deciding how you personally define “perfect”. Bags come in all shapes and sizes, in a variety of materials, and with different interiors—the perfect bag for you is out there, all you have to do is figure out what you are looking for. 

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