Does anyone use tablecloths anymore?

25 Apr.,2024


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In most cases, it depends on the state of the table: A long tablecloth instantly improves a less-than-perfect table and adds a note of elegance for a special event, like a dinner party. Exceptional tabletops require no dressing at all. But sometimes you might want the softness of a tablecloth without completely obscuring interesting legs. In that case, go for a short one!

I can go both ways; I love a

To use a tablecloth or not to use a tablecloth? That is the question (today). I grew up in an apartment with an enormous glass table that remained uncovered at all times – until company arrived, at which point a tablecloth was flung over it and several layers of plates, bowls glasses and flatware dressed it up. A quick internet search tells me that’s the case for most people. But, how does one decide to cover a table or leave it exposed? And if you do cover it, how low do you go?In most cases, it depends on the state of the table: A long tablecloth instantly improves a less-than-perfect table and adds a note of elegance for a special event, like a dinner party. Exceptional tabletops require no dressing at all. But sometimes you might want the softness of a tablecloth without completely obscuring interesting legs. In that case, go for a short one!I can go both ways; I love a great tablecloth for the color and texture it brings to a tablescape, but I can certainly appreciate a stunning table that deserves to be seen at all times. Take a look and see what you think:

If you’re asking the question ~ are tablecloths old-fashioned? Then you’re probably on the fence about using them. And you probably associate tablecloths with your grandma.

Well, I’m here to answer your question.

And the answer is no ~ tablecloths aren’t old fashioned… but also ~ kinda yes.

Huh? You say.

Let me explain…

Why Tablecloths Aren’t Old Fashioned

You see, tablecloths themselves aren’t old-fashioned or out of style. If they were, you wouldn’t see them being sold. You wouldn’t find them at Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Anthropologie, or specialty stores.

If tablecloths were truly old-fashioned, you’d only see them at second-hand and antique stores.

In fact, I don’t think tablecloths will ever go out of fashion. They serve multiple purposes.

(*If you wanna find out why you should use one, check out… the top 7 reasons why you need to use your tablecloths)

When people question if tablecloths are going out of style, they aren’t really questioning the use of a tablecloth, so much as the fabric or pattern itself.

Think about it ~ a tablecloth is a large piece of fabric. There are definite trends when it comes to fabric, color, and pattern. Every decade is identifiable by fabric and color. You can easily recognize a couch from the ’70s just by its fabric. The style of the couch might be very simple, but if it’s covered in an outdated fabric, you’d say the couch was out of style.

Same is true with tablecloths.

If you were to see a tablecloth with embroidered flowers, or one with large print faded strawberries around the border, you’d say it was an old-fashioned tablecloth. And you’d most likely be right.

Below are a few tablecloths that are considered old-fashioned. And they are because they’re from the 50’s-70’s.

You aren’t finding these types of tablecloths being sold today.

Using In-Style Tablecloths

Today, you’ll find solid-colored tablecloths. Or ones with stripes going down the middle, or ones with fringe, or bold prints.

The idea of using tablecloths may seem outdated, but they’re still fashionable in home décor. They’re a reflection of the current interior design and fashion trends.

Tablecloths are often overlooked when it comes to expressing style. However, the right color, pattern, and material can make a big impact on the atmosphere of a dining room. With a few thoughtful decisions, a tablecloth can be used to create the perfect ambiance.

If you’re concerned about your tablecloth being out-of-style, make it look modern. Incorporate accessories like centerpieces and place settings to tie in the tablecloth and create a contemporary look.

With careful selection and the right accents, a tablecloth can make a space look fashionable.

Tablecloths have been a part of home décor for centuries, and while they may not be as popular as they once were, they can still add a touch of classic beauty to any home. While there are now many more options for decorating a table, tablecloths remain a timeless choice.

When it comes to deciding if tablecloths are still in style, the answer is a definite yes!

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Does anyone use tablecloths anymore?

Are Tablecloths Old-Fashioned?

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