How long does it take to go from fat to fit?

02 Apr.,2024


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Can you transform your body in 90 days? Why not 30? Go from fat to fitness in no time. First trick––don’t let holiday weight gain sneak up on you. You can always find an excuse to start later, but ultimately if you are going to make it work the key is to start now. Not later. Not tomorrow. Dust off the tennis shoes and get out your workout gear because we have what you need to start your fat to fit transformation.

For a healthy body transformation you’ll need to first focus the change from within. Starting to build quality nutrition and exercise habits now can help you stay on track during the holidays. You shouldn’t use your fat to fit transformation to be overly restrictive in diet, because that can inevitably lead to failure. Instead, focus on nourishing your body and enjoying comfort foods in moderation. Many new year’s resolutions fail. So start now to be working towards your summer beach body during the winter.

6 Easy Tips for Your Fat to Fit Transformation Journey

Wondering what it takes to realize your fat to fit transformational goals? We’ve got you covered for a healthy body transformation. First and foremost if you are going to transform your body know that it is going to take time. Commit to the process and know that there will be bumps along the way. That is how to completely transform your body. Follow these easy tips to keep your fat to fit transformation on track.

Step 1: Establish Realistic Goals

Research shows that when you have your goals written down you are more likely to achieve them. Goals help provide accountability.

  • Schedule 10-20minutes to journal about what your goals are. Then review. Are they realistic? Adjust as necessary.

  • Goals will look different for everyone. For most people losing at least 5-15lbs is a great place to start and totally do-able in as little as 30days if you are focused.

  • A moderate goal of 5% to 10% of your current weight is a healthy and realistic place to begin real life body transformations. 

  • Tracking your progress as you inch closer to these goals will help keep you motivated and on track.

Step 2: Remember That Every Body Is Unique

It’s important to never forget that each body is different, and no two people will walk the same fat to fit path. To go from fat to fitness will be easier and quicker for some.

  • Are you trying to lose weight, inches, or be stronger? These will all be indicators of your progress.

  • Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so while you may not lose as much weight as you want, you’ll be getting slimmer as you gain more muscle.

  • It doesn’t matter where you start, it only matters that you do and commit to it. Chose a body makeover workout that gets you where you want to be.

Step 3: Use the 80/20 Rule

Guess what? Its not enough to focus singularly on nutrition or fitness - you need to prioritize both. That’s where the 80/20 rule comes in.

  • Your fat to fit transformation is 80% about diet, but there’s also 20% fitness that impacts the results you’ll see.

  • Before you revamp your fitness routine, get your

    nutrition in order.


    • Avoid processed foods and cook at home whenever possible.

    • Ditch added sugars, excess sodium, and processed carbs.

    • Drink enough water


      • Minimum 80 ounces per day, but up to 128 ounces if you’re more active.

Step 4: Be Patient

Be prepared to know that patience is going to be key in order for you to really see the results you’re after.

  • Staying focused on the

    intentional hard work

    to get you through your fat to fit transformation is key.

  • Note: You may plateau! Know that this is totally normal. Keep hitting it hard and eventually your efforts will pay off.

  • Take your own “before” & “after” photos every few weeks. This will help keep you motivated.

  • Changes may be too subtle for you to notice daily, but in 2-3weeks time you will look back at your first photos and know that your fat to fit real life body transformations are working!

Step 5: Find a Fitness Routine That Works for You

It’s important to find a fitness routine that works for your body because the same exercise won’t yield the same result for everyone.

  • If you are really trying to

    lose weight

    , you may want to focus on cardio with low-impact. This is how to strip body fat––it helps burn fat faster, so that you can then turn to getting cut.

  • If you are looking to

    get toned and stronger

    , then you may want to primarily stick to strength/resistance training.

  • For fat to lean body transformation, try combining different types of exercise to get the most out of your routines:

    • Cardio
    • Strength/resistance training
    • Focus on maxing out your reps to preserve muscle mass and max out your fat loss

Step 6: Supplement Your Diet for an Extra Boost

Even after you’ve totally revamped your diet, it still may not be enough to get the right results. That’s when it's best to turn to healthy supplements to help keep you looking, feeling, and performing your best.

Supplements you may consider:
  • Protein:

    Feeding your muscles after a workout is ideal for getting a fat to lean body.

  • MCT oil for weight loss:


    ecause MCT oil medium-chain triglycerides are shorter than most other types of dietary fat, the body has an easier time breaking them down and using them for energy.

  • Supergreens:

    Adding in an

    organic greens supplement

    can additionally boost your gut microbiome and help flush out toxins.

  • Collagen:

    As we age our bodies need consistent doses of collagen to maintain. When taken daily, collagen peptides can help maintain radiant hair nails and skin as well as aid in joint and bone health.

  • EGCG

    : For a real healthy body transformation, this supplement is derived from green tea and is the ancient secret on how to strip body fat.

Fuel Your Fat to Fit Transformation with Optimized Nutrition

Supplements you may consider:

Ready to get started? All you need is 10-20 minutes to begin with your goals. Then you know you will need a path forward to take you there! Stop thinking things like maybe it can happen next month–there’s never been a better time to start your fat to fit transformation. A fat to fit transformation isn’t for the faint of heart. Don’t be discouraged as it takes time, patience, and dedication to see results. You also are not alone! Power up your body transformation with the right kind of support.

Transformation Protein powder is a fast and easy way to add high-quality protein to your diet. From protein smoothie bowls to shakes, you can enjoy Transformation Protein in many delicious ways—making it easier for you to configure the right amount for building muscle, losing or maintaining weight. Use supplements to help boost your fat to fit transformation.

There are lots of reasons you can fall “out of shape.” From injuries to waning motivation, it’s natural for your fitness to ebb and flow. The good news is, whether you were always an athlete or could never seem to stick to a workout routine, there are some tried and true methods to help you get fit again. 

What does “being fit” really mean?

Physiologically speaking, being physically fit entails a holistic look at several factors: cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, mobility, (within that, flexibility and range of motion), and neuromuscular control (i.e. balance and agility), explains Heather Milton, a board-certified clinical exercise physiologist at NYU Langone’s Sports Performance Center. 

Anecdotally, being physically fit will look and feel different for everyone, but can often mean you have good energy, feel strong, are able to perform daily functions without pain, have mental clarity, and generally just feel healthy and happy.

This subjectivity can mean getting back in shape will include different goals for different people. “Does being ‘fit’ mean that you’re able to walk all day for your job and still have energy to play with your kids, or does it mean that you’re able to crush a new mountain biking trail without injury?” says Jacqueline Crockford, an ACE-certified personal trainer. Understanding your reason why will help you maintain the motivation needed to support your goals long term.

The good news is there are steps most anyone can follow to improve their overall fitness. Here’s what to expect.

How quickly can you lose fitness?

To understand how to regain fitness efficiently, it helps to know how fast your initial results can go away. You can actually lose your cardio endurance and muscle strength with two weeks of complete rest, says Milton. That doesn’t mean two weeks out you’ll have lost all your gains, but this is when you can expect the decline to start, she says. Generally, cardio endurance depletes at a slower rate than muscular strength and endurance, which has a fairly rapid decline when you stop training, adds Crockford. 

A loss of physical fitness can cause a rise in blood pressure, decrease in blood oxygen levels, decreased neural-muscular efficiency and heart strength, reduced lung capacity, and even a change in your resting heart rate, explains Milton. 

Age is also an important factor to consider, says Crockford. Maximal oxygen uptake (or VO2max), muscle strength and mass, and flexibility are all naturally reduced with aging, while total body mass and fat mass increase, according to a 2009 study published in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.

How fast can you get fit again?

On average, if you are strictly following an evidence-based, strategically designed fitness program—meaning you have done your homework and are adhering to a specific plan—you can expect to regain your fitness in 16 weeks, says Milton. Muscular strength can begin to improve in four to six weeks with noticeable results in 12 weeks. Improvements in your cardio also follow a linear pattern, with small changes progressing bit by bit over time, she says. 

“However, that’s in a vacuum,” caveats Milton. This does not account for lifestyle factors such as changes in weight, diet, health conditions, or hydration, for example—all of which can drastically impact how long it takes you to get fit again.

“The rate at which someone regains their fitness levels, in both muscular and cardiorespiratory measures, is dependent on several factors including the programming, previous fitness levels and exercise experience, as well as age,” says Crockford. How long you took off from exercise matters, too, says Milton. If it’s been a few weeks or even a few months, that’s a big difference than a few years. “If it’s less than a year, you’re starting back at maybe 50 percent of where you left off and slowly building back from there,” she says. 

How to get fit again after a break

The first step is setting a clear and, ideally, measurable goal. Simply saying you want to “get back in shape” could lead to a haphazard approach to training that will ultimately take you longer to achieve your goals—if you don’t get frustrated and bail along the way, says Milton. 

The most important thing to keep in mind when getting back into a workout routine is to pace yourself. This is especially true if you have been largely inactive (rather than just choosing lower-intensity modalities), are returning from an injury, or are older.

Older adults have more years of experience with training under their belt, so they may be smarter about easing into a renewed routine, says Milton, but conversely, if you’ll also want to avoid doing the same grueling workouts you did when you were younger. Bodies change over time, and it’s ok if your version of fit looks different in your 40s then it did in your 20s, she says. 

A steady progression in difficulty will ensure you stay on track while avoiding injury or burnout, says Milton. Cardio exercise can be increased by the total volume of training, meaning if you have been successfully running three hours every week, you can increase the length of total weekly time spent running. Progressing strength-based training can look like more reps using the same weight or grabbing a higher weight while doing the same reps, adds Milton. Max-rep bodyweight tests—think: how many push-ups you can do in a minute—are a good universal strength-building tactic, too. The bottom line is you can get fit again, but it likely won’t happen overnight. Small, smart steps over time will lead to the results you’re after, so practicing patience is a necessary component. 

How long does it take to go from fat to fit?

How long does it take to get fit again after falling ‘out of shape’?

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