How do you apply foundation step by step?

15 Apr.,2024


The art to a flawless-looking make-up finish is understanding how to apply foundation evenly and smoothly, hiding your imperfections while celebrating the uniqueness of your skin.  

The secret to getting it right lies in correctly prepping the skin and finding the foundation application tool that best complements your skin type and desired finish. 

Step 1: Cleanse without drying out the skin


To get the most out of foundation, it’s important to start with the best canvas. Cleansers help to dissolve impurities and minimize the appearance of pores, creating a smooth base over which to apply foundation.  

Try No7 Restore and Renew Cleansing Lotion. Supercharged with antioxidants and natural AHAs, it helps to gently exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of pores, creating a clean, smooth base. 

Want to know all about foundation, like where to put foundation, how to put on liquid foundation, how to use powder foundation, and more? Maybelline New York can help! Learn how to use and apply foundation and get the perfect skin complexion using foundation powder and concealer

How do you apply foundation step by step?

How To Apply Foundation & Foundation Tips